Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Concerns About Wild Wolf Attacks in Idaho

In a recent letter to the editor in the Idaho Statesman, one of the authors was concerned about the danger of wolves in Idaho, and were considering not riding their horses in the mountains. Certainly wolves are a wild animal and can be dangerous but there are many dangers in the mountains including rushing rivers, rolling rocks, falling trees, lightning, mountain lions, bears, bees and moose. You have to put these threats and dangers into perspective. Take a look at attacks by domestic dogs, which by some estimates there are 26 people killed every year. The number of wolf attacks in the United States per year, averages just about zero. Now granted there are many more domestic dogs than wolves but the bottom line is domestic dogs have no fear of humans. Wolves generally fear humans, and will stay away, but they are curious and sometimes and will approach people. I personally feel safer in the mountains than strolling around town. Hiking and hunting in the wild Idaho is all about looking at the scenery and wild animals. You have to be wise to the woods and take precautions but seeing a bear or wolf is a real thrill.

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